Simple Low Carb Taco Bowl

Turkey Bowl.jpg

Simple Low Carb Taco Bowl 🚨 🥙🌮🥬🍅
-1lb Organic Ground Turkey (vegetarians can use beans and top with hemp seed)
-Healthy 8 Veggie Mix by @traderjoes(You guys have to try this if you haven’t already!) or just use hearty vegetables of choice. EX: broccoli 🥦, jicama, carrots 🥕, radish, peppers, etc. If you’re dicing your own veggies you’ll need about 2.5-3 cups for every 1 pound of ground turkey.
TOP WITH 🥬🍅🌿🥑...
(This is based on your preferences. But here’s what I love) ...
-Freshly diced tomato 🍅 -Salsa -Mashed avocado 🥑 -Fresh cilantro 🌿 -Squeeze of fresh lime juice 🍋 -a few organic blue corn tortilla chips (not as low carb if you add chips💁🏼‍♀️) 🥙🥙🥙
*Sauté veggies of choice in 1-2 tbsp oil of choice (I used avocado oil 🥑)
*In a separate pan, cook ground turkey until it’s no longer pink and turns Grey all the way through (I don’t use any oil, the natural water in it hydrates it- that’s up to you)

*When the turkey is just about cooked through, add your favorite taco seasonings. I like chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper.
*Next, simply layer your taco bowl however you like it. I put veggies on the bottom, turkey on top, and toppings on top of turkey (try saying that 10 times fast 😂)

*Enjoy! This stores really well for lunch the next day. Makes about 3-4 servings. You can also cook rice on the side if you want more carbohydrate, and to serve more people.

Sara ZakiComment