


We collect the following information from users who buy our products and services: name, e-mail address and address (“Personally Identifiable Information”). We also use “cookies” to collect certain information from all users, including website visitors who don’t register for an Account. A cookie is a string of data our system sends to your computer and then uses to identify your computer when you return to our Website. Cookies give us usage data, such as how often you visit, where you go at the site, and what you do on the site. We will also be collecting data furnished to us by you and other third-party sources, including, but not limited to Facebook and Google Analytics.

How your information is used. We use your Personally Identifiable Information to create your Account, to communicate with you about products and services you’ve purchased, to offer you additional products and services, and to bill you. We also use that information to the extent necessary to enforce our Terms of Service and to prevent imminent harm to persons or property. We use cookies so that our Website can remember you and provide you with the information you’re most likely to need. For instance, when you return to our Website, cookies identify you and prompt the site to provide your username (not your password), so you can sign in more quickly. Finally, we use information gained through cookies to compile statistical information about use of our Website, such as the time users spend at the site and the pages they visit most often. Those statistics do not include Personally Identifiable Information. We also retain the right to view, download and store any Materials and Recipient Data at our discretion in order to ensure compliance with this Agreement and to ensure customer satisfaction.

Protection of Personally Identifiable Information. Although we employ security measures to protect your Personally Identifiable Information, we cannot guarantee the security thereof. By using our Website, you acknowledge and agree that we make no such guarantee, and that you use our Website at your own risk.

Contractor and Other Third Party Access to Personally Identifiable Information. We give certain independent contractors access to Personally Identifiable Information. Those contractors assist us with Website security and transaction processing. We also may disclose Personally Identifiable Information to attorneys, collection agencies, or law enforcement authorities to address potential violations of the Authorized User Policy, other contract violations, or illegal behavior. And we disclose any information demanded in a court order or otherwise required by law or to prevent imminent harm to persons or property.

Amendment of this Privacy Policy. We may change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a new version on this page or on a successor page. The new version will become effective on the date it’s posted, which will be listed at the top of the page as the new Effective Date.